Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Who Else Wants a Serious Internet Business? - If So, You Need Search Engine Optimization Tips!

By Billy Rand

For those of you who want a serious internet business, which will generate predictable income for you and your family, it is essential you consider many different elements of online marketing. One of the most important elements, without a doubt, is search engine optimization or SEO.

So for all you beginners who are in need of a search engine optimization tip or two this article is a must read.

It doesn't matter how good a website you create, how good a product you have or how well your site converts, if you do not have traffic you are dead. Traffic is the life blood of the internet and 80% of an online marketer's attention must be given to this aspect of the internet marketing game.

Short of typing in a website's URL the only way potential customers can find your online business is through search engines responding to keyword queries. A customer seeking information, types a keyword/s into Google's search box. Google then presents a results page with about 10 articles, websites or blogs for you to peruse. You choose one and click on a link which delivers you to their respective URLs.

How did those businesses and articles get on the first page? And most importantly, what makes them so special? Well it is because Google thinks highly of them and Google thinks highly of them because of SEO!

The minute you publish your website to the web and start working on it, Google, Yahoo, Msn and other search engines soon discover it. Google has a bot or spider which crawls the web and eventually your site is located and the spider begins to sift through your web pages. The google algorhythm is programmed to look for certain things on your site and then rate them. Only Google knows for sure how this is done. But what you will know is that Google may or may not give you a ranking.

To not get ranked on Google means a slow miserable death online because you will not be receiving traffic, unless of course you want to pay for it. If you are a novice and know nothing about the Google Adwords game, well good luck, you will be swimming with the sharks.

Never forget that Google's primary purpose is to deliver high quality content in response to keyword queries. If Google quit doing this, Google would cease to exist as we know it because people would abandon them and look elsewhere for their information.

So when Google presents your website on their first page, it is because your content is first page material. Google knows your content is the closest and highest quality match for whatever keyword was typed into it's search box. Plus Google now trusts you and is giving you credibility.

To get ranked by Google you either have to pay for the privilege by using Google Adwords or you can attempt to get ranked for free. The paid method is called Search Engine marketing or SEM and the free method is SEO.

Either way, the nuts and bolts of SEO and SEM is intricately tied to keywords and how to use them to get noticed by search engines.

In SEM or the paid method, You bid on keywords and the highest bidder gets the highest rankings.

In the free method or SEO, you employ keywords strategically on your site and create high quality content to attract Google. The process is technical and beyond the scope of this article but easily learnable. This is the onsite aspect of SEO.

But more importantly you use keywords in SEO to attract other webmasters and get them to link to your site. The more links you have the greater credibility you will have with Google. This is the offsite aspect of SEO.

Getting other webmasters to link to your site can be as easy as asking them to do so and reciprocating in kind. Or as difficult as writing articles in article directories and having your articles picked up by other websites with your link on them. Successful webmasters generally adopt both strategies.

But even offsite SEO requires attention to the issue of keywords as well.

But keep this in mind: if you want to have a serious internet business then you must learn the search engine optimization game. At first it might appear daunting but I assure you if I can learn it anybody can. And with a little time and effort you too can take these search engine optimization tips and begin to prosper!

Billy Rand is a businessman and an author. His latest website which is dedicated to helping others avoid the dead ends and scams that beset his earliest attempts at internet marketing, can be found at http://www.seriousinternetbusinesssecrets.com/search-engine-optimization-tip/

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Who-Else-Wants-a-Serious-Internet-Business?---If-So,-You-Need-Search-Engine-Optimization-Tips!&id=3671209] Who Else Wants a Serious Internet Business? - If So, You Need Search Engine Optimization Tips!

The Most Basic SEO - Search Engine Optimization Tips

ByRama Krishna

A million other methods for optimizing a web page have tried to replace SEO, but the fact is that it continues to hold the top spot in ensuring the success of a webpage. If you are new to it, then the whole concept might seem alien to you. What is SEO? So let us take it from the start.

Google and SEO

Google has redefined the way information is looked about on the internet. While most search engines used the Meta tags on a page to search it, google started to use a series of complex algorithms which scanned the content on the page and ranked it according to its relevance.

Since most of the world uses google, success on the internet came to be determined by the success of the webpage on google. So SEO came into being.


SEO or Search engine Optimization is a set of techniques which will optimize your website enabling the spiders to scan it in a better way and highlight your most relevant keywords to them. This will ensure a better page rank in google.

SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tips

The fact is that SEO is a constant on going process and no matter of tips will prepare you for it. But there are some facts which you cannot afford to overlook

Effective keyword research: Quality keywords are your first rung to the ladder on the top. You need to have those keywords on your page that people are looking for.

Search engine Friendliness : The next most important thing is optimizing your website for search engines. The website needs to be simple and well organized so that the search engines can scan it easily.

Site Architecture: Another important aspect of SEO called internal link structure building.

Navigation: Apart from making the website easier to navigate through for humans, it will also make it easier for spiders.

Link Popularity : Another important aspect , the more the quality back links acquired, higher the Google Page Rank and higher search engine rankings.

Content : Last but not the least and extremely important aspect . Good and Quality content easily attracts both Search engines and Visitors.

For more info visit : [http://www.usawebsolutions.com]SEO (Search Engine Optimization) Tips

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?The-Most-Basic-SEO---Search-Engine-Optimization-Tips&id=841876] The Most Basic SEO - Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search Engine Optimization Tips to Boost Your Ranking

By Stephen Ng P

The Internet is filled with tons of Search Engine Optimization Tips. The importance in getting free web traffic through an organic search has caused immense interest on the subject Search Engine Optimization.

Website optimization is an on-going process since the search engine algorithm is subject to changes whenever bad practice SEO professionals are able to abuse it. However at this point in time, on-page and off-page optimization are the crux in getting a website ranked well with the search engines.

* Search Engine Optimization Tip - On-page Factors

These are criteria that are incorporated in the content of a web page. Web page optimization starts here and since it is subjected to human manipulation, off-page factors are deemed more important. However, that is not to say that on-page factors are not important at all. If you were to compare a web page that is not optimized at all as compared to another that has been optimized, the answer will be obvious!

On-page can be further separated into visible and those that are non-visible to an online visitor. The recent buzz on the Internet is that visible on-page factors are more important as compare to the latter since website is build for human consumption.

What a human visitor can't see is deemed to be useless and might be subjected to search engine manipulation. Non-visible on-page factors are meta-tags, which are good breeding ground for Spam is getting less vote of confident from the search engines.

* Search Engine Optimization Tip - Off-page Factors

Off-page factors are back links and more back links! The idea might sound simple to you but the actual process of acquiring those links is a tedious and time-consuming process. With this problem on hand, many software have started to appear on the Internet to address this tedious process, which I am skeptical. However that does not stop my search for such powerful software.

The rate of acquiring these back links is important as well. Search engine is careful with website that acquire tons of back links over night and deem this action as link Spam. Therefore it is a good practice to implement a link strategy to obtain those precious back links at a steady and constant rate.

Back link is important since each and every back link is a vote of confidence on your website. Equally important is the source of that back link. If your site is on dog shampoo, a back link from a site that is selling watches will be deem of less important by the search engine.

Finally if the back links are from like minded nature of business, the more the merrier! The subject of link management is delicate subject and it might be a good idea if you could read a book on it.

Stephen Ng blogs about how to [http://www.makemoneymall.com]make money easy online and make money tips. Using a combination of AdSense and Affiliate Programs, money making opportunities and ideas is limited ONLY by your creativity. Affiliate marketing is your best online business.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Search-Engine-Optimization-Tips-to-Boost-Your-Ranking&id=2570739] Search Engine Optimization Tips to Boost Your Ranking

7 Free Search Engine Optimization Tips

By Jed C. Jones Ph.D.

Search engine optimization (SEO) can be defined simply as the art and science of getting your website to come up at a higher ranking on search engines than do most or all other sites that have similar content and a similar target audience.

With the billions of web pages and hundreds of millions of web sites live on the Internet today - and more going live every day - if you want your site to be found it is going to take more than luck. It is going to take a solid SEO campaign.

Some people who dabble in search engine optimization believe that they can never really crack the SEO code. "After all, isn't it true that Google and other major search engines do not share their indexing algorithms (i.e., secret formulas for how they rank websites)?," you may have heard people ask.

Of course, there are always rumors floating around on blogs about what little tricks you can do to catapult your site to the top of the rankings in a flash. But, think about it: if it were that easy, those tricks would soon stop working since everybody else would be trying them, too. And, at the end of the day, there are only 10 spots on the first page of any major search engine site.

In reality, cracking the SEO code is not a matter of following fads and trends. And, it is definitely not a matter of tricking search engines into ranking your site well. Rather, good search engine optimization is about understanding how search engine sites "think" and then faithfully following a set of consistent best practices to get you where you need to be.

If you are looking for free search engine optimization tips, here they are:

1. Start with the end in mind:

You need to start any SEO campaign needs by first figuring out which keywords for which you will be targeting and optimizing your site. Proper keyword selection is a must. You need to find keywords that are relevant, experience a high number of daily searches, and yet have few other sites competing for those keywords. Yes, there are still good keywords left in your niche or industry, no matter what anyone else says.

2. Provide quality, useful content and refresh it often:

Search engines love to serve up the right content to the right people at the right time. If you provide good, relevant content and refresh it often, search engines will love you - guaranteed.

3. Leverage meta tags:

Most people in the industry say meta tags - those invisible bits of text on your site that only search engines read - are dead. I say that's not entirely true. Every little bit helps.

4. Keyword-optimize your content:

Make sure that every page of your site is well-optimized. Choose one or two keywords per page of your site and make each page all about those keywords. But, avoid "stuffing" your site with too many keywords.

5. Build a tool or widget that people find truly valuable:

This is similar to #2 above. Create a useful, unique online calculator, game, dictionary - whatever. Make it interactive. If it's good, people will link to it and use it often.

6. Get backlinks to your site:

Speaking of links: SEO is all about backlinks. The more high-PageRank, quality, relevant and popular sites that link to your site, the better your site will do in the rankings.

7. Measure, measure, measure:

Good SEO
is all about being able to measure how you are doing, week to week and month to month. Install a good analytics package to track visits to your site. Check your rankings at least once per month and note if you are improving and where.

Following these tips consistently and properly will push your site up the rankings for the keywords you have chosen to target. Remember, every thousand-mile journey starts with a first step. Learn these free search engine optimization tips, practice them, and get on your way to higher rankings.

For more free SEO tips, visit: [http://www.jcjinteractive.com/blog/]http://www.jcjinteractive.com/blog/.

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?7-Free-Search-Engine-Optimization-Tips&id=3894127] 7 Free Search Engine Optimization Tips

Search Engine Optimization Tips Are Quite Helpful For Everyone

By Steve Waganer

A website is a source of knowledge for online visitors and if the site is not properly promoted, then the aim of the online site would go in vain. It is obvious that you have entered the market to earn newer business opportunities. In order to take your site to the top of search engine ranking pages, search engine optimization tips and even search engine optimization firm will prove to be beneficial for you.

It is, in fact, the right pathway to guide the professionals for improving their performance levels. Search engine optimization tips will enable the professionals to avoid some mistakes that may hamper their efficiency. After all, what matters in the business world is the performance level.

Search engine optimization will tell you about various aspects of this field and different dos and don'ts of search engine optimization. After all, you have come up to earn rewards and not suffer losses. Search engine optimization tips will also inform you about various methods that can be applied to increase the number of traffic that may turn into customers, if your website provides the necessary information.

With the help of these guidelines, you will be able to give a perfect shape and growth level to your online business. Well, it is the matter of your business and you would definitely take every care to expand it. The most important thing for online business site is to be a part of popular search engines. And if you are popular, you will get to have more and more business opportunities.

If you go by search engine optimization tips, then first thing that you have to take care is the fact that title tag have to appear on the top of webpage and that too within HTML head tag. This will help the visitor to know that what the page is about. With this, visitor will be able to know that are they searching on the correct web page or not.

Another thing that search engine optimization tips tends to inform is that you have to be extra cautious about the content that have to be placed on the web pages. The content has to be informative and descriptive, so that online visitor will be able to understand about the products and services that you are offering.

Search engine optimization is an important source of knowledge for those who are beginners in the field of search engine optimization. It will not only tell them ways to improve their efficiency, but will also prepare a strong base for a bright career ahead. It will also tell them the nuances of SEO that will give them a deep insight into what search engine optimization is.

Search engine optimization tips will tell you about pay per click campaign and how to manage it. Pay per click management is nothing but a way to keep a track of number of visitors that are coming to your website. A certain amount is being bid for the keyword and if the visitor comes to your site in search for that keyword, then that decided amount is deducted from site owner's account.

Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization, Affiliated Marketing,Affordable search engine marketing. To get the [http://www.cometsearchenginemarketing.com/search_engine_optimization.html]Search Engine Optimization Tips for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit http://www.cometsearchenginemarketing.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Search-Engine-Optimization-Tips-Are-Quite-Helpful-For-Everyone&id=486768] Search Engine Optimization Tips Are Quite Helpful For Everyone

Search Engine Optimization Tips - Get The Best Results

By Steve Waganer

Have you spend a large amount of your hard earned money on making your site easily available and not getting desired results? Hang-on and take the help of search engine optimization tips to know where your search engine optimization strategy was lacking. Search engine optimization tips can give you the maximum return of your money by providing your website a high rank on search engine listing.

It is always better to have a through look at search engine marketing tips as that can really give prolific results. Companies or individuals that are not well versed with the basic knowledge of hiring a search engine optimization should do a little market research to find out the best option. If you are new to this then you must discuss every aspect with a specialist of this field.

Search engine marketing tips given by him can be very beneficial to discuss charges and services with selected firm. So having some knowledge this field is must to avoid getting trapped by frauds.

In order to take your website at the top of search engine listing you must check out the available types of search engine optimization services. It is always a better thing to make a wise decision as various firms are offering various facilities and services. It is advisable to have search engine marketing tips on which service has maximum effectiveness.

By this way, you will be able to get familiar with latest trends in search engine optimization. If you have decided over having the facility of pay per click then definitely you have made a wise decision, as it is cost effective. In this service you will have to pay only when someone visits your site.

When a visitor clicks on your URL to open your site that click gets monitored by that hired firm and they then charge accordingly. According to rel=nofollow [http://www.cometsearchenginemarketing.com/search_engine_optimization.html]Search engine optimization tips providers, pay per click is the most cost cutting way to optimize your website on search engines. So it is advisable to keep search engine marketing tips in mind to get a good place in search engine listing.

At last here comes the most important thing that can raise your rank in search engine listing and that is look and feel of your site. Everything is futile if your site is not able to make people visit again. Most of search engine optimization tips providers give stress on improving look and feel of your site as this can enable you to get popularity and good ranking at all search engine.

Once you have hired a firm that will help you in making a good place at search engines but it can be maintained only if visitors get for what they clicked on your website. For maintaining that achieved rank search engine optimizations tips are necessary.

Though optimizing your website is not that difficult as before but it is good to have search engine optimizing tips for a better result. Search engine optimization tips are there just to assist you in very step of your website optimization on search engines.

Steve Waganer has specialization in Web Marketing. He is expert in Search engine optimization,Search engine marketing New York.To get the Search engine optimization tips for your website to get high rank and top position in major search engines visit http://www.cometsearchenginemarketing.com

Article Source: [http://EzineArticles.com/?Search-Engine-Optimization-Tips---Get-The-Best-Results&id=699976] Search Engine Optimization Tips - Get The Best Results